This phase of engagement has ended.


Feedback form: have your say


Tell us more about what you think of our emerging masterplan

More Edgware, less anywhere

Artist's impression of Edgware town centre, showing new cinema and public square

Artist's impression of Edgware town centre, showing new cinema and public square

Shopping and leisure

Artist's impression of proposed retail space

Artist's impression of proposed retail space

Deans Brook Nature Park

Artist's impression of Deans Brook Nature Park

Artist's impression of Deans Brook Nature Park

Transport and connections

Artist's impression of proposed improvements to transport on Station Road

Artist's impression of proposed improvements to transport on Station Road

New homes

Artist's impression of proposed new homes

Artist's impression of proposed new homes

New open and green spaces

Artist's impression of Edgware Green and park

Artist's impression of Edgware Green and park

A healthier Edgware

School children gardening in an allotment

The proposed masterplan would include new spaces for health and wellbeing, like allotments

Improving Station Road

Artist's impression of Station Square, part of the proposed improvements to Station Road

Artist's impression of Station Square, part of the proposed improvements to Station Road

The Railway Hotel

Current image of The Railway Hotel

Current image of The Railway Hotel 

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
